Academy of Art University
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Gustavo Yubi

Motion Pictures & Television / BFA

Having to explain my story, is far from simple. Growing up with a first generation immigrant family, meant a lot of moving around, and a lot of adjusting. Although this has it its disadvantages at times, what kept me motivated was the people I was going to meet in my new environment. Hearing their stories of struggle, fear, but most importantly hope, is what helped me connect with new people.

While moving from the Bronx to Ecuador, my parents tended to always carry a camera with them at all times. Although it wasn’t for artistic use, it sparked creativity in me to learn more. As a child, my parents couldn’t afford to pay for film classes nor there was any within my reach. I was blessed enough to grow up in the age of the internet and I used it as an inexpensive tool to tell stories..

After the 2016 earthquake that Ecuador went through, I decided to create a call-to-action film, with my iPhone 6, in support of all the victims. This film was my gateway to continuing my studies in San Francisco, which as of 2022, I’m based out of. Working in San Francisco and with the help of my peers, it open the doors to work with clients like Betabrand, Hint, the SFFD, etc

NXTUPfest Nominee: Picture Over 12 Minutes - The Audience

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